SMD Files
The (S)ingle-(M)olecule (D)ataset (SMD) file format
Data from a single-molecule experiment are stored in an SMD
. These exist in files (HDF5 format) or in memory as an object. This format is slighty different than originally described in: Greenfeld, M., van de Meent, JW., Pavlichin, D.S. et al. Single-molecule dataset (SMD): a generalized storage format for raw and processed single-molecule data. BMC Bioinformatics 16, 3 (2015).
Notable differences
- HDF5 file based instead of JSON
- Multiple SMDs can live in the same HDF5 file; each lives as a group within the HDF5 file
- Flexible WRT analysis: results from any analysis should be saved as a sub-group within the particular SMD.
- When molecules from different data sources can be combined into the same SMD, the original source is remembered.
- Classifying/grouping molecules is very important for many methods; each molecule in the SMD has an integer to specify the class to which it belongs.
Format Specifications/Description
Notes/Non-standard points are put in angle brackets.
SMD (in a Python Object)
In tMAVEN, each maven
instance has an maven.smd
SMD object, even if there is no data in it. There can only be one at a time in tMAVEN. The parameters in each object are
maven.smd.raw : ndarray(NxTxD...) - the data
maven.smd.source_index : ndarray(N) - integers specifying the source each molecule came from
maven.smd.source_names : list - the names of each sources
maven.smd.source_dicts : list - dictionaries with metadata entries for each source
maven.smd.smd_dict : dictionary - metadata entries describing smd file
maven.smd.nmol : int - the value of dataset.raw.shape[0]
maven.smd.nt : int - the value of dataset.raw.shape[1]
maven.smd.ntime : int - the value of dataset.raw.shape[1]
maven.smd.ncolor : int - the value of dataset.raw.shape[2]
maven.smd.ncolors : int - the value of dataset.raw.shape[2]
maven.smd.ndata - : int - the value of dataset.raw.shape[2:]
SMD (in an HDF5 File)
We save SMD data in HDF5 files. Assume you have an HDF5 file with handle f
that contains an SMD entry called ‘my_smd_expt7’. The raw data is stored in the SMD specified places. Any tMAVEN-specific data (e.g., classes, pre- or post-times) are stores in the a separate groupd within the SMD called tmaven
f['my_smd_expt7'] : group - this is the SMD2 entry
f['my_smd_expt7'].attrs['format'] = "SMD"
f['my_smd_expt7'].attrs['date_created'] = <time.ctime() upon creation>
f['my_smd_expt7'].attrs['date_modified'] = <time.ctime() upon last save>
f['my_smd_expt7'].attrs['description'] = "Description of the dataset goes here"
f['my_smd_expt7/data'] : group - this holds the data
f['my_smd_expt7/data/raw'] : dataset[int/float/double (nmol,ntime,ndata)] - this is the data for each molecule
f['my_smd_expt7/data/source_index'] : dataset[int (nmol)] - specifies the source for each molecule
f['my_smd_expt7/sources'] : group - This holds the information about the origin of each molecule (e.g., separate movies)
f['my_smd_expt7/sources/0'] : group - Information about source 0 in the source_index list
f['my_smd_expt7/sources/0'] : group - Information about the Nth source in the source_index list
f['my_smd_expt7/sources/0'].attrs['source_name'] = "<Description of this source, e.g. movie 12">
f['my_smd_expt7/sources/0'].attrs['<Name for a bit of metadata for this source>'] = "<the metadata itself>"
f['my_smd_expt7/sources/0'].attrs['<Name for another bit of metadata for this source>'] = "<the metadata itself>"
...... more metadata for source 0
f['my_smd_expt7/sources/1'] : group - information about source 1 in the source_index list
.... entries for source 1
.. more sources
f['my_smd_expt7/analysisA'] : group - this is an example of how you would save an analysis (i.e., within this hdf5 group)
f['my_smd_expt7/program7result'] : group - each program is responsible for the format/specification beyond this point...